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red5 hosting

Red5 | FFmpeg | Python Hosting | RTMP Servers

Starting at $9.95 /mo

Red5 + FFmpeg + Python + SSL Free + Cloud

rtmp server

Live Broadcasts with RTMP Servers to HLS Streaming

FASTER Shared Hosting On Turbo Servers
10 Gbps Connectivity

Dedicated non-shared bandwidth


python hosting

Vod or Live Stream with RTMP Servers

RTMP Control Panel with Wowza Streaming Engine

Re-Stream of IP Camera Or IPTV Re-Stream


Important Notice: The relay option is not directly available during the service selection process when placing your order. Please contact us so we can conduct a preliminary test. If the test is successful, we will provide you with a 5-day trial account to ensure everything meets your requirements.

Step-by-Step Guide

Re-streaming an IP Camera on our control panel is very easy. After you place your order, we will provide access to a control panel URL. Your email will be your username and a password.

You need to login to this control panel, which we call Wowza control, as our main core on the server is the Wowza streaming engine.

After you have logged in to the Wowza control panel, you will see your services. You can have a number of services, including live streaming, TV station, and so on. Select the service you want to start, and click Overview (just under Options). Please see the image with the black arrow.

rtmp server control panel overview

After you click Overview, a Relay page will open. A small player appears, and if you click to play, it shows a video file we use as the default video on the system.

On top, there is a menu with some links. One of these is “HTML Embed Code”. Other links on the top menu are Stats, IP, and countries from which your viewers are located. You don’t need to worry about data transfer if you are on one of our bigger packages, as we provide unlimited traffic.

At the bottom, you have two important links, “Reconnect Stream” and “Player Links,”  and on the top right, there are small images. The important image is shown with an arrow. This is for the settings and the RTP or RTSP that the IP Camera URL needs to be added to this configuration (see image).

configuration how to add your IP camera RTSP to the control panel

So, click on the settings, and then click plugin. Then on Relay URL enter the URL, and under clickUpdate Configuration, this will restart the service.

add your rtsp to the configuration


Final Step: Return to the main page, select HTML Embed Code, and copy the code to embed the stream on your website. If you need the M3U8 URL for an app, copy the code into a notepad and extract the HTTPS URL ending in .m3u8.

For further assistance or specific queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help ensure your streaming setup is successful and efficient.

copy and paste the html5 player to your site