Correct Procedure to Encode your Video Files for Upload to the RTMP Server
Converting your video files before uploading them is highly advised to create a uniform transition between video files. Transcoding (decoding, reformatting, and re-encoding files) converts several types of source material into a single video codec or file format.
Incorrect codecs can create major problems with the player, resulting in errors such as “The media playback was aborted owing to a corruption problem or because the media employed features your browser does not support.” You can read about this here.
You should also be careful and ensure that encoded videos are limited to a maximum bitrate, depending on your package.
We recommend you encode all files using the video transcoder before uploading them.
HandBrake is a volunteer-created open-source utility for transcoding video from practically any format to various current, widely accepted codecs.
HandBrake will appeal to you for the following reasons:
Convert videos from almost any format.
Open Source and Free
Multi-Platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Step 2 – Configure the Default Path and.mp4 file extension
Go to Tools -> Preferences and enter:
Use the MP4 file extension at all times.
Set your Default output route as well.

Step 3: Choose a Preset
We recommend using either:
Vimeo Video Youtube 720p
Video Youtube 1080p

Step 4: Determine the Average Bitrate
Setting a bitrate ensures that your TV Station does not exceed the bitrate restriction.
It is usual for the encoding bitrate to vary by 10%. Therefore keep the Avg Bitrate lower than your maximum.

Step 5 – Configure Output
Select Browse and then enter the location where you want your transcoded files saved.

Step 6 – Queue and Encode
Choose to Add to Queue -> Include All Press Begin Encoding
You can now upload your media files.
Once they have finished encoding, you can upload your video files to the File Manager.
Go to the File Manager.
Drag and drag your PC’s media files into the Media File Manager.

Let us know if you need help with your settings, open a ticket here.